Friday, September 07, 2012

Elsie's weekend getaway

Every day with Elsie is magical.
Mostly because watching her revel in the tiny mysteries of her universe
(ie: There's a cardboard tube in the middle of the paper towels!!! And you can yell through it!!!)
forces me to take off these jaded glasses I see the world through, and just enjoy being.
My favorite days are the "firsts".
"Firsts" get me so excited about what's to come and make me so proud of everything she is.
Recently, I spent at weekend at the beach with just the girls and got to have a lot of really lovely firsts!

Her first road trip. 

Her first time playing in sand.

 Her first time in the ocean. 

 Her first night away from home. 
She is so pretty it almost looks like she's wearing eyeshadow and blush!
(She's not, though). 

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