I recently googled "What I wish someone had told me before I went into labor" hoping to find some nugget of knowledge that would help me in some way. Unfortunately, all I found was trivia that, well, lets face it, the moms who'd written really SHOULD have already known. Come on, people- you have 9 months to read up on this stuff!
Something I would like to share with the general pregnant population is this:
Turn off your cell phone,
because, in your last week your phone will look like this:
and every message/ call will be the exact same, and you will want to, but not be able to, say the exact same things over and over and over:
Hiiii! Have you had the baby yet?
Nope, not yet
How are you feeling?
Awesome, thanks! (aside from the excruciating back pain, swollen feet, nausea, headaches and insomnia)
What did your doctor say?
She'll be born when she's ready. (Actually, that's a summation of a twenty minute conversation about my cervix).
Anything I can do to help out?
Nope, we're completely ready, when she is. (But feel free to come over and cook dinner without judging me for wearing the hideous pineapple print housedress I bought in the caribbean for about the millionth day in a row.)
Well, make sure you call me when you go into labor!
Absolutely! (Because I definitely want to be annoyed when I'm trying to have a baby).
So, really, the bottom line is, turn off your cell phone during the last week of pregnancy. You'll avoid a whole bunch of aggravation, and you won't feel compelled to return the gazillion missed calls/ messages because really, the people who call during that last week can be split into two groups:
and those who really need to talk to you will find other ways that doesn't involve driving you crazy.
----------------------POST EDIT-------------------------
I don't know if this is how it is for everyone, but Pregnancy week #40 finds me exhausted, in pain, swollen from head to toes, and just generally super duper cranky. Why do so many people want to chat with such a miserable creature?