Monday, December 21, 2009

A Very Merry Cart Before The Horse Christmas

I'm told I'm a creative gal.

Lately, though, my creativity's ego has been taking a few hits.

It's become increasingly difficult for me to think of things to give people for Christmas that don't involve canvas.

Thankfully, the artsy creative geniuses over at Cart Before The Horse have so much creativity that it flooded over and helped make Christmas happen around here.

For my parents I made puppy ornaments by altering their Cat Cone pattern.

Introducing DOG CONE!

There's Killer; the chihuahua

and George, the sweet old basset hound

another knock to my creativity's ego is the fact that a pattern is emerging... a pattern of puppy themed

presents. Last year they got original paintings: What next? dog sculptures?

******* Post Edit: These sewn/stuffed/ painted scultpural ornament things are NOT very easy to make. Big props to CBTH for being able to crank out so many of these every week. These two took me for-friggin-ever to finish!


Jo James said...

Wow! Those are awesome!! What a great job. I'm sure they'll be absolutely treasured! Lucky recipients indeed.
Now I have to make one of MY dog :)

Just Me said...

omg! thanks for mentioning that blog. awesomeness!