Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to be awesome at your job... #1

I have a lot of jobs...
(That's why I get so offended when someone introduces me like, "This is La Sha, she stays home with her daughter. So lucky to not have to work!"). 

I really do count myself lucky, though, because even though I'm rarely home and I work all the time, I love every one of my jobs. 
I think that's the key to being awesome at your job-
Of course there are lots of other things you can do to be awesome at your job, but I think having passion for what you're doing is key. I've noticed that there are a lot of things that I do in one area of my life that are equally useful in my other pursuits, so by applying them across the board I dramatically improve my performance in many areas with only small changes.
For example
One of my favorite things to do in my "off" time is to plan ahead for the upcoming days/ weeks. In my garden my planner keeps me from sowing too early or too late. In my studio it keeps me from being overwhelmed by projects innumerable. In classes it keeps me from missing a due date. And in my nannying job it helps me make sure that everyday is filled with something fun and educational.

I absolutely LOVE when I can combine things I'm passionate about and share them in a meaningful way- for example, I recently taught the girls I nanny for about where veggies come from and what a garden needs to grow, then I helped them paint their own little clay pots, where they planted flower seeds that they'll need to water to make grow. In the meantime we made some pretty paper flowers on Popsicle sticks to bloom until the real sprouts show up!

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