Monday, June 16, 2008

I was going through some of my old junk in my mom's basement the other day, and I came across an old box of clothes from my childhood that I always loved too much to throw out, but no one NO ONE would ever wear, so I've decided I need to craft some softish things. I went to the library and got a couple books of ideas. I haven't sewn in a while so I thought it would be good to have a look at some basic patterns before I dive in to my pile of fabric with some scissors. I like some of the basic patterns, but I'll have to crazy them up some.

Most of all, I like the thought of giving new life to loved things. It's like saying, "welcome back pink cardigan I ripped a hole in climbing a tree. Nice to see you purple flower print dress with ginormously puffy sleeves. I can't wait to see what you'll become."

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